

What is Genetic Engineering and how does it work?

     All living things on this earth i.e. plants, animals, fruits, humans and finally bacteria contain DNA. "Changing the DNA of an organism is called Genetic Engineering". DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid. All the data in our body is stored in DNA in the form of coding, which means that this DNA controls how much and what parts can be formed. Before to know about jeans exchange you need to know about 'Crispr'.

What is Crispr?

    CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is a technology that allows scientists to make precise and targeted changes to the DNA of living organisms. It is based on a naturally occurring genetic defense mechanism that bacteria use to protect themselves from invading viruses. The CRISPR system uses a specific enzyme (CRISPR-associated protein 9, or Cas9) to cut DNA at precise locations, allowing scientists to delete, add, or replace specific genes.

                      fig. Genetic Engineering 

Working of Crispr:

    Normally when any virus enters a cell, the virus injects the infection into the DNA. The infection spreads little by little and destroys the cell completely. But bacteria called Archaea have crispr genes. In addition to these there are crisper associated genes. That means something like RNA, which in short is called 'Cas genes'. These cas genes produce a type of protein called "cas protein". This Cas protein continuously scans the crispr DNA in the cell. If the virus-injected crispr DNA molecule is visible to the Cas protein, it cuts the area where the virus has entered. 
    There are many types of Cas proteins in general. All these cut the crisper DNA which are infected by virus. But the protein cas9 has an even more unique attribute. This cas9 protein takes a copy of the crispr DNA which are infected by virus and then cuts the crispr DNA. If the copied virus matches the crispr anywhere else, it will also cut that crispr. If the virus re-enters the cell, this protein recognizes and destroys the virus. But there is one thing to note here. A cas9 protein separately contains host crisper DNA. The Cas9 protein attaches host DNA immediately after cutting Crispr genes. By doing this, there is no damage to the crisper DNA. This is how Crisper Cas9 works.

CRISPR is not just a tool for editing genes, it's a tool for editing life"
                       - Emmanuelle Charpentie

What wonders is crispr going to do?

1.Crisper completely destroys the HIV virus:

    In 2015, scientists experimented with HIV through Crispr Cas9. A mouse with 90% HIV cells was treated with Crispr Cas9. It killed 50% of the HIV virus in the mouse. This means that in the future we will be able to completely eradicate the HIV virus through Crispr Cas9 technology.

2.Crispr cures cancer disease:

    Like HIV, the human immune system does not kill cancer cells. Cancer cells that start little by little grow day by day. However, crispr cas9 can also kill cancer cells completely. In 2016, doctors approved internationally to give treatment to cancer patients through crispr.

3.Crispr cures all genetic diseases:

    Crispr cas9 can cure many genetic diseases like color blindness, hemophilia. An estimation, 3000 diseases are caused by only single molecule mismatches in our DNA. Thus, Crispr Cas9 replaces correctly matched molecules with mismatched molecules. A few thousand diseases will end with crispr.

4.Designer Babies can be created through Crispr:

    Some diseases are transmitted from parents to children and from children to their children. To prevent such diseases from being passed on to their unborn child, the baby is treated with Crispr while still in the fetal stage. Thus, those hereditary diseases can be eradicated completely.
    In future we can create designer babies as we like. Crispr helps their unborn babies be born white, tall and the way they want them to be. We can design our baby as we like. As i said earlier, complete information about our body is contained in DNA genes in the form of coding. This is all done by finding the genes that carry our traits and replacing them.
    But nowadays many children are dying due to many diseases in the womb. crispr helps all organs grow properly and children grow up healthy without suffering from diseases.

5.It increases human life span:

    Currently, two out of every three people worldwide die of old age. Human life span can also be extended by Crispr. We aged and die because our body's cells are damaged and our DNA breaks down. If we can replace broken DNA, our lifespan will increase. In the future man will live for several hundreds of years.

6.Diseases from animals and insects can be prevented:

    Dangers caused by animals and insects can also be prevented by Crispr. Let's take mosquitoes for example. Since the main cause of malaria is mosquito bites, removing the malarial segments from mosquito DNA with CRISPR would eliminate malaria. Also if the malaria segments are removed their offspring will not have malaria segments. So they become normal mosquitoes.

7.Crisper will play a major role in agriculture:

    Crisper eliminates many types of diseases in plants as well as fruits.

Limitations in Crispr (Genetic Engineering)

CRISPR technology is a powerful tool, but it does have some limitations. Some of the main limitations include:
  • Off-target effects: CRISPR can sometimes make unintended cuts in the DNA, which can lead to unexpected and unwanted effects. This is particularly a concern for medical applications, where off-target effects could have serious consequences.
  • Incomplete editing: The CRISPR-Cas9 system can sometimes leave behind residual disease-causing mutations, leading to incomplete editing of the targeted gene.
  • Technical difficulties: The process of delivering the CRISPR-Cas9 system to the target cells can be technically challenging, and requires specialized equipment and expertise.
  • Ethical concerns: The use of CRISPR technology in human embryos and other sensitive applications raises ethical concerns, and is still the subject of ongoing debate.
  • Immune response: When CRISPR is used in vivo, the immune system may recognize the Cas9 protein as a foreign invader, leading to an immune response that can interfere with the editing process.
  • Complex disease: CRISPR is a powerful tool for studying genetic disease, but it is not yet clear how to use it to treat complex genetic disorders that involve multiple genes.
  • Long-term safety: The long-term safety of CRISPR-edited cells and organisms is not yet well understood, and more research is needed to fully understand the risks and benefits of this technology.


     However, research by scientists has shown that Crispr Cas genes match the DNA of almost all living organisms. It includes many types of insects, birds, animals and humans. This means that human DNA also matches Crispr DNA. Crispr Cas9 is the best process for DNA modification in living cells.
    If the experiments we do with Crispr cas9 show positive results, many kinds of terrible diseases can be banished. No more people die from diseases. Many types of artificial medicines go away and only one natural medicine comes. And to tell the truth, if Crispr cas9 can work perfectly, there is no other best medicine like this in the creation of man.


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