

What is Hyperloop and how does it work?

     These days we see so many technologies that we cannot believe. We travel very fast in cars, trains and planes. Many technologies are coming in the future to increase the speed of our travel. Currently it takes us two hours to travel at a speed of 1400 km per hour in flight. The same journey can be reached in 1 hour 20 minutes if done in Hyper Loop.

    This hyperloop transportation system is much faster than airplanes. Currently the maximum speed of the aircraft is 900 km/hr but the maximum speed of this hyper loop is more than 1200 km/hr. That means 1200 kilometers can be traveled in one hour. This will give you an idea of ​​how fast it goes.

fig. Hyperloop 

What is Hyperloop?

   The Hyperloop is a proposed mode of transportation that would use high-speed trains or capsules to travel through vacuum-sealed tubes at speeds of up to 700 miles per hour. The idea for the Hyperloop was first proposed by billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk in 2013 as a faster, more efficient alternative to traditional rail and road transportation. Then many people disagreed with the concept and many said it was all a waste. Taking a year, the concept of this Hyperloop was revealed in detail. Then even those who hated the concept had to accept it.

Concept of Hyperloop Technology:

    Concrete pillers were erected several hundreds of kilometers in length. Steel tubes are installed on them like a tunnel. This hyper loop travels between those steel tubes. Looking deeper into this concept, any vehicle slows down for two reasons. The first is gravity and the second is air resistance. When any vehicle moves on the ground, gravity pulls the vehicle towards it and hence the speed of the vehicle decreases. Also, the wind before the moving vehicle stand against it due to which the speed of the vehicle decreases a little. This is sometimes called air friction. Thus, without our involvement, the speed of vehicles decreases due to these two reasons. 
    We cannot eliminate gravity at all but we can eliminate air. Air pressure is kept low in steel tubes. That is, the air pressure of the ocean is 101 kilo pascals. But these steel tubes contain only 0.1 kilo pascals. That means how low the air pressure is. Despite the low pressure in them, all the facilities have been arranged in these pods without causing any trouble to the passengers. A magnetic accelerator is installed in these steel tubes. It is through them that this hyper loop moves forward. Electric motors are installed every hundred kilometers. These are used to increase and decrease Hyperloop speed. 
    This hyperloop also has bogies. These are called capsules or pods. Upto 28 people can travel in these single pods. So 600 to 800 passengers can travel in this entire hyperloop. But the distance between these pods and the steel tubes is only one to two millimeters. An inlet comparator as well as an axial compressor are installed before this pod. They push the little bit of air 2mm in front of it. 
    Elon Musk has set up open licensing to build this Hyperloop project. That means anyone can make it and use it. By doing this many companies like Hyperloop 1, DGWHyperloop, Transport, Arrivo are working on it. Since 2015 they have been experimenting on these. Experts predict that these hyperloop will be running in all countries by around 2025.

The Hyperloop is a new mode of transport that has the potential to revolutionize transportation as we know it." - Elon Musk

One interesting story about hyperloop

    One interesting story about Hyperloop technology is the story of the first successful test of the technology. In 2017, a company called Hyperloop One, now called Virgin Hyperloop, successfully tested a full-scale Hyperloop system in the Nevada desert. The test, which lasted just under 5 seconds, reached a top speed of nearly 200 miles per hour and marked the first time a Hyperloop system had been successfully tested.

    The test was a significant milestone for the Hyperloop industry, as it demonstrated that the technology was viable and could potentially be brought to commercial use in the future. This test attracted a lot of attention and interest from governments, investors and other companies, leading to a lot of new partnerships and collaborations to further develop the technology.

    The company behind the test, Virgin Hyperloop, is now one of the leading companies in the Hyperloop industry and continues to work towards the commercialization of the technology. They have been working with governments and companies around the world to build Hyperloop systems, including in India, the United Arab Emirates and the United States.

Advantages of Hyperloop:

1.There is no need to acquire huge land like railways and roadways. Because it travels at certain heights above the ground.
2.Hyperloop's concrete pillars, steel tubes and pods are strong enough to withstand earthquakes.
3.Comparing high speed rail to the Hyperloop, the entire Hyperloop construction is cheaper than the entire rail system construction. Moreover, if the high speed train travels at a speed of 500 to 600 km per hour, the hyperloop travels at a speed of 1200 km per hour. That means hyperloop is better than trains and planes in terms of speed.
4.Hyperloop does not consume diesel and petrol like other vehicles. It runs on solar energy. Hyperloop is no harmed to environment. Moreover, while the solar panels generate 76,000 watts of power, the Hyperloop consumes only 26,000 watts of power.
5.Accidents are avoided in Hyperloop.

Disadvantages of Hyperloop:

1.High cost of building and implementing: Building the infrastructure for the Hyperloop system such as the vacuum-sealed tubes, capsules, and maglev technology would be very costly.

2.Funding challenges: Funding for the development and implementation of the Hyperloop would likely come from private investment, government grants, and potentially public-private partnerships, which could be challenging to secure.

3.Impact on existing transportation industries: The Hyperloop would also likely have a significant impact on existing transportation industries such as the railway and trucking industries.

4.Technical challenges: The Hyperloop is a highly complex and innovative technology, and there are still many technical challenges that need to be overcome before it can be successfully implemented.


    In conclusion, the Hyperloop is a proposed mode of transportation that has the potential to revolutionize the transportation industry. It utilizes magnetic levitation and vacuum-sealed tubes to transport passengers and cargo at high speeds, making it faster and more efficient than traditional modes of transportation. However, the technology is still in its early stages of development and there are significant challenges that need to be overcome, such as high costs and funding challenges. Despite these challenges, the Hyperloop has already seen significant progress and interest from governments, investors, and other companies. The successful test in 2017 by Virgin Hyperloop marked a significant milestone for the industry and has led to a lot of new partnerships and collaborations to further develop the technology. It is an exciting technology to watch as it continues to progress and may have a big impact on transportation in the future.

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