

How to think outside of the box?

     Think outside of the box means changing our thoughts from think we can't do anything more than this to think that we can do even like this. Few people in the world think like this, they are the innovators, scientists, entrepreneurs etc. The reason why the present world is so advanced is because of them. The present world is from their thinking. This story will help you further understand the concept of think outside of the box.

fig. Think outside of the box 

The story:

    Once upon a time, a small trader in a small village borrowed a large sum of money from a moneylender. The merchant had a beautiful daughter. The old moneylender was ugly. He thinks that he should marry the merchant's daughter, so he devises a trick. 
    A moneylender goes to a merchant and says, 'Even if you borrow from me, I will cutoff the entire loan but in exchange you have to give me your daughter in marriage', he asks the merchant. In front of all the people of the village i will put two stones in this bag. one white and the other black. Tell your daughter to take a stone from it.
    He says that if your daughter takes the black stone, you don't have to repay the debt you took from me, but you have to marry your daughter to me. If your daughter takes the white stone there is no need to pay the debt and her daughter also need not get married.
    But the moneylender takes out two black stones and puts them in the bag. The merchant's daughter noticed this and sensed the moneylender's deception. The moneylender asked him to take the stone out of the bag. Now the girl has three paths in front of her.
  1. She should say, i will not take the stone from the bag. 
  2. She should take out two stones from her bag and show the fraud of the moneylender. 
  3. Even knowing that it is a black stone, she should take that stone and sacrifice her life to repay his father's debt.
     But she thought wisely and took out the stone from the bag. Before anyone could see, she dropped the stone among the rocks below. Then she apologized to the moneylender and said, 'I don't know which stone i took, so look at the other stone in the bag and you will know the color of the stone i took'. The moneylender knows that the black stone left in the bag, now he cannot say in front of all the people of that village that he put two black stones in that bag. That's why he waived the entire loan as promised. Now father and daughter are both happy.
    See how smartly and differently she thought, we should also think the same way in life. If you think normally, you will get normal thoughts. if you think differently, you will get various thoughts. so we have to think differently, which means we have to remove all the previous beliefs and think fresh.
    Steve Jobs is our favorite innovative entrepreneur. We can see how different his ideas are from the products from the company he founded. An Apple computer, then an iPod, then an iPad, an iPhone, etc. All the products that came from him were made possible by thinking differently.

              Think Different
                                           - Steve jobs

Techniques for thinking differently

• Mind Mapping and Brainstorming: 

    Mind mapping is a visual thinking technique that helps to organize and structure ideas. By creating a mind map, individuals can explore different ideas and concepts in a non-linear way, and identify connections and patterns that might not be immediately obvious. Brainstorming, on the other hand, is a group problem-solving technique where individuals come together to generate new and creative ideas. Both mind mapping and brainstorming are effective techniques for thinking differently, as they encourage individuals to explore new ideas, think creatively and make connections between different concepts.

• Incorporating diverse perspectives:

 Incorporating diverse perspectives is an effective technique for thinking differently, as it allows individuals to challenge their own biases and assumptions. By considering different points of view, individuals can gain new insights and perspectives that they might not have considered otherwise. This can be done by seeking out input and feedback from people with different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, or by reading and learning about different cultures and societies.

• Stepping away from routine and familiar environments: 

    Stepping away from routine and familiar environments can also be an effective technique for thinking differently. By exposing ourselves to new and different experiences, we can break free from our usual ways of thinking and gain new perspectives. This can be done by traveling to new places, trying new activities, or simply changing our daily routine. By stepping away from familiar environments, individuals can gain new insights and inspiration, and come up with new and creative ideas.

    In summary, mind mapping and brainstorming, incorporating diverse perspectives and stepping away from routine and familiar environments are effective techniques for thinking differently, by exploring new ideas, considering different perspectives, and gaining new experiences.

    In the current generation, Elon Musk needs no special mention. Looking at his thoughts, it seems like the man from another planet. In the 1990s, the online payment system, online route mapping, then Space X, usable rockets, and now the Hyperloop, whatever it took was a miracle.

    Along with them were Nicholas Tesla, Charles Darwin and many others. All this is possible because of out of the box thinking. Those who think like this will write history and remain in history.

Overcoming obstacles to thinking differently:

1.Recognizing and challenging limiting beliefs: 

    One of the main obstacles to thinking differently is limiting beliefs, which are often deeply ingrained in our minds and can be difficult to recognize and challenge. Limiting beliefs can be defined as negative thoughts and opinions that we have about ourselves and our abilities. They can prevent us from seeing new possibilities and taking action towards our goals. Recognizing and challenging limiting beliefs is an important step in thinking differently. This can be done by identifying the beliefs that are holding us back, and challenging them with evidence and logic.

2.Dealing with fear of failure and rejection: 

    Another obstacle to thinking differently is the fear of failure and rejection. This fear can prevent individuals from taking risks, trying new things, and expressing their unique ideas. It's important to understand that failure and rejection are part of the learning process and that it's essential to fail in order to grow and succeed. Dealing with the fear of failure and rejection can be done by setting small and achievable goals, seeking feedback and learning from mistakes, and surrounding oneself with supportive people.


    In conclusion, thinking differently is an important skill that can lead to innovation and success in today's society. It allows individuals to explore new ideas, consider different perspectives, and gain new experiences. Mind mapping and brainstorming, incorporating diverse perspectives and stepping away from routine and familiar environments are effective techniques for thinking differently. However, there are also obstacles to thinking differently such as limiting beliefs and fear of failure and rejection. Recognizing and challenging limiting beliefs and dealing with the fear of failure and rejection are important steps in overcoming these obstacles. By thinking differently, individuals can achieve their goals and make a positive impact in the world.

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