

Why Time Management important for success?

Importance of time management:

    Imagine waking up every morning to find that a sum of ₹84,600 has been deposited into your bank account. The catch is, you must spend every single rupee before the day is over. If you fail to do so, your account will be left with ₹0 at the end of the day. And the cycle repeats itself every day, with ₹84,600 being deposited into your account once again.

    How would you behave in such a situation? How wisely would you spend that money? These are the same questions we should ask ourselves when it comes to managing our time.

    Just like money, time is a precious resource that we are given a limited amount of each day. We are allotted 84,600 seconds every morning, and we must use them wisely. Time cannot be stored, it cannot be borrowed, and there is no way to get more of it.

    We all have this "bank of time" in real life, and it is up to us to make the most of it. Are you as careful with time as you are with money? It's important to remember that time management is about deciding how to spend your time. Yesterday's time is gone forever, today's time is slipping away, and tomorrow's time cannot be borrowed.

    We don't need any special skills or training to manage our time. All we need is the willingness to be mindful of how we spend our precious seconds. So let's make the most of every moment and spend our time wisely, just like we spend our money.

First create your day on paper

    Setting priorities and creating a schedule or to-do list are important aspects of time management as they help individuals to focus on the most important tasks, stay organized and on track, and achieve their goals and objectives.

    When setting priorities, individuals can identify the most important tasks and focus on them first. This helps to ensure that the most important work is done, and that deadlines and goals are met. Prioritizing tasks can also help individuals to avoid procrastination and distractions, which can lead to decreased productivity and wasted time.

    Creating a schedule or to-do list also plays an important role in time management. A schedule or to-do list helps to plan out your day or week, and provides a clear roadmap for achieving your goals and objectives. It also helps to keep track of deadlines and appointments, and to identify and allocate time for different tasks.

    A schedule or to-do list can also be useful for identifying and eliminating time-wasters, such as unnecessary meetings or interruptions. It also allows individuals to see how they spend their time, and to make adjustments as needed.

    In addition, schedule or to-do list can also allow for flexibility and adaptability, to adjust to unexpected changes or events. It also allows for better time management for stress as it provides a clear structure for your day and helps you to stay on top of your tasks.

    Overall, setting priorities and creating a schedule or to-do list are essential for effective time management. They help individuals to stay organized, focused, and productive, and to achieve their goals and objectives.

                        fig. Time Management 

We believe we don't have enough time to reach our dreams, be with the people we love, get things done on time and so on. Here the truth "It's not because lack of enough time, it's because bad time management".

We don't have time to do all the things, but we have enough time to do the important things.
                                               - Brian Tracy

Common time-wasters:

Common time-wasters in daily life can include:

• Social Media: 

    Scrolling through social media feeds, checking notifications, and responding to messages can consume a significant amount of time. To avoid this, you can set specific times of the day to check your social media accounts, use apps that limit your access to social media, or even delete the apps that you don't use.

• Email: 

    Checking and responding to emails on a constant basis can be a major time-waster. To avoid this, you can set specific times of the day to check and respond to emails, use apps to filter and prioritize emails, or even use an email management software.

• Meetings: 

    Meetings can often be unproductive and a waste of time. To avoid this, you can request an agenda for the meeting in advance, set clear objectives for the meeting, and ensure that the meeting is well-organized and facilitated.

• Interruptions: 

    Interruptions, such as phone calls, texts, or drop-in visitors, can disrupt your focus and productivity. To avoid this, you can set specific times of the day to check and respond to messages, use apps to silence notifications, or even put your phone in airplane mode while you're working.

• Procrastination: 

    Putting off tasks until the last minute can lead to added stress and decreased productivity. To avoid this, you can set deadlines, break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and use apps to help you stay on track.

• Multitasking: 

     Attempting to do multiple tasks at once can lead to decreased focus and productivity. To avoid this, you can prioritize your tasks, set specific times for different tasks, and use apps to help you stay on track.

• Not having a plan or schedule: 

    Not having a clear plan or schedule for your day can lead to a lack of direction and wasted time. To avoid this, you can create a schedule or to-do list, set specific times for different tasks, and use apps to help you stay organized.

• Perfectionism: 

    Spending too much time trying to make things perfect can lead to decreased productivity and wasted time. To avoid this, you can set realistic expectations for yourself, focus on the most important tasks, and use apps to help you stay on track.

    Overall, by identifying and avoiding these common time-wasters, you can increase your productivity and make the most of your time.

How to manage your time better?

    Effective time management allows individuals to make the most of their time, achieve their goals and objectives, and reduce stress and anxiety caused by procrastination and missed deadlines. It also helps to increase productivity, reduce wasted time, and improve overall work-life balance.

There are various techniques and strategies that can be used to improve time management skills. Some of these include:
  • Setting clear and specific goals: Identifying what you want to achieve and setting clear, measurable objectives can help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Prioritizing tasks: Identifying the most important tasks and focusing on them first can help to ensure that the most important work gets done.
  • Creating a schedule or to-do list: Planning out your day or week can help you stay organized and on track.
  • Eliminating distractions: Identifying and eliminating sources of distraction, such as social media, can help to increase focus and productivity.
  • Staying flexible: Being able to adapt to changes in your schedule or unexpected events is important in managing your time effectively.
  • Managing stress: Stress can cause your mind to be scattered and be less effective in managing time, so it is important to learn how to manage it.
  • Reviewing and Reflecting: Regularly reviewing your schedule and reflecting on how you spent your time can help you identify areas for improvement and make adjustments as needed.
    Overall, time management is a vital skill for success in both personal and professional life. By learning to manage your time effectively, you can increase your productivity, achieve your goals, and improve your overall quality of life.


    Time management can get more done in less time and ensure that time is not wasted. Using the time you have properly will improve your life. If we have control over our time, we have control over our life. If we have control over our life we ​​will achieve anything and live happily. Effectively managing time is crucial for achieving personal and professional goals and leading a balanced and fulfilling life. Setting priorities, creating a schedule or to-do list, and avoiding common time-wasters are all important aspects of time management. Additionally, staying focused and motivated are essential for making the most of your time, staying on track, and achieving your goals. By implementing these strategies, individuals can increase their productivity, reduce stress and anxiety, and lead a more organized and fulfilling life.

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